• Diving Paradise

But it would be unfair to reduce the glories of the Reserve only monitor lizards. This string of islands and islets are located at the point where the Pacific and the Indian Ocean meet and merge their waters. Every day the islands act as a giant funnel, the waters of both oceans move between the breakers, narrow and deep trenches literally pouring an ocean on the other forming unevenness on the surface of up to half a meter high.

Such unique in the world well worth watching in the Strait of Lehok Uadadasami, in the southern part of the island of Rinca, sailing between dolphins and whales. Its waters have not dishonorable record of being considered the most dangerous of Indonesia by strong currents that run there. This continuous movement of water mass on oxygenation causes favoring the growth of plankton and hard and soft corals and are home to a variety of marine wildlife finds these nutrient-rich waters.


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The aquatic world that exists beneath the surface of the ocean is also a transit shelter and 5 species of sea turtles and large mammals found here in abundance to feed squid, like blue whales Balaenoptera musculus, sperm whales Physeter catodon dugongs Dugong Dugong and up 10 species of dolphins.

The beach of Pantai Merah, located on the island of Komodo and pink beach literally, is a good place for snorkeling and scuba dives. The pink sand because corals comprises finely crushed by the action of the waves.

Kalong Island, near Kampung Komodo is one of the centers for visitors to the National Park. The island is home to a large colony of flying foxes, fruit bats, every day after returning to find their food trees of the island.